
What the Bowenclan is reading this month …

Phoggy Pug reading
To really read, Phoggy the Pug would need glasses.

Both Becca and I enjoy reading but found the juggles of 2016 often made us feel like we had little time or mental energy for reading. We vowed 2017 would be different, so we’re treating reading like a welcome appointment, a date with a book really.

For the kids, there story is a bit different. Like most kids — and us, too, really — they’re lured to the instant gratification of one screen or another.


Becca’s Reads

(He comment: Apparently Becca will read anything with a girl and/or a train involved.)

Brent’s Reads

G: He: Hmmm… I considered lying on his behalf, but I think the only thing the “Ginga Ninja” — not my nickname for him but the basketball team’s — is reading how Kansas’ PG Frank Mason is faring in the College Basketball National Player of the Year rankings (#BIFM).

D: Little “D” is taking part in the school’s Battle of the Books program and the current title she’s consuming is Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbit.

And WE LOVE BOOKS … more so Becca and me than the kids (as we established previously) so after dinner we spent Valentine’s Day perusing the shelves of Barnes & Noble. Here’s what we picked up …


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