
April 2021


In episode 36 of The Hump! Podcast: The State of Beer … After teasing it the last few episodes Brent Bowen and Chad Beland chat about beer, breweries, and what is going on in that industry right now — including bad behaving breweries. The fellas debate a list of the best beer cities. Triple D — What do you call someone who shouts out at a public beer event … at the brewery where the beer was brewed … to the brewer … that the beer is bad?”

In episode 35 of The Hump! Podcast: Sandwich Generation … After teasing it the last few episodes Brent Bowen and Chad Beland chat about what being a part of the Sandwich Generation means and what it has meant for Brent the last few months. This includes chatting about Brent’s mother-in-law and their kids’ futures.