
Welcome to The Hump! Podcast …. In episode 17 of The Hump! Podcast: You Down With CBD! ….  hosts Brent Bowen and Chad Beland get the low down on CBD vs. THC (Chad was confuddled …).

In this episode, the fellas talk with Angie Read who began using CBD as part of her recovery from multiple strokes. Since, she’s become an advocate for knowing the warnings signs of strokes (Know F.A.S.T. people!), the effects strokes can have on mental health and the role CBD can play in treatment.

And Angie became more than advocate. She believed so fervently in helping people (pets, too) find relief that she opened her own CBD store, Phoenix Natural Wellness

So … you down with CBD?  …. (interview starts 11:57 minute mark).

Open Belly Podcast
This episode is brought to you by the Open Belly Podcast. A podcast exploring Kansas City’s vibrant and diverse food culture.

The Hump! Podcast Episode 17 Show Notes – You Down With CBD?

If You Missed The First Several Episodes

Miss the first several episodes of The Hump! Show?

In Ep. 17 of The Hump! Podcast, Brent & Chad Interview Angie Read about CBD …

But before CBD chat with Angie, the group  …

  • Share a few toasts while downing … Blue Springs brew East Forty Brewing’s Second Breakfast Porter
  • Their toasts of the week include …
    • A nod to Kansas State coach Bill Snyder’s phenomenal career
    • Some Kansas City Chiefs lowlights … (Eric Berry finally returns then it all goes to #%&@!)

This Week’s Topic and Interview — You Down With CBD? With Angie Read

The Hump! Interview With Angie Read

In their discussion with Angie Read, the fellas:

  • Quiz Angie about CBD. What is CBD? And what are some of the misconceptions of CBD?
  • Discuss how Angie discovered CBD:
    • She’s a stroke survivor and talks about her first stroke
    • She shares how F.A.S.T. saved her life (and her husband)
    • The strokes significantly affected her mental health
    • CBD played a prominent role in relieving her anxiety
  • What are some of the benefits associated with CBD? (He Says: Becca does drink some CBD team to help with sleep and relaxation. She probably wouldn’t need it if she didn’t watch SO MUCH murder porn.)
  • How does someone find a reputable CBD store?
  • How does Angie think recent medical marijuana laws in Missouri will affect the CBD business?
  • What are some of the CBD products offered in stores? Even … how CBD can help pets.

You can find Angie most days at her store, Phoenix Natural Wellness.

More About Angie’s Story and Recovery from Multiple Strokes

Heart.org: After Stroke Anxiety is Common in Women

Heart.org Blog: My Invisible Scars – How My Stroke Impacted My Mental Health

And This Episode’s Game of “Triple D” …

To close out The Hump! Podcast … Brent and Chad play a quick round of Triple D.

What’s Triple D?

They throw out a scenario … and discuss whether it’s a DICK, DOUCHE or DUMBASS move …

This week’s Triple D move — What do you call someone who breaks something in the store and tries to hide it?

And during, they discover another Triple D moment of making every a bottle of CBD lotion a tester bottle. The lesson: The cover up is worse than the crime. This almost devolves into a political discussion. But we’ll say … “Remember that, Kareem Hunt!”

We discuss and debate on the show, but feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments (keep it clean folks, as they reserve the right to delete any personal attacks or defamatory information).

You Can Catch The Hump! Live

You can watch Brent and Chad LIVE 7 p.m. CST most Wednesdays on Facebook  (and sometimes Instagram — when it works).

They’ll publish the replays on Facebook and places where good audio can be found (see below platforms — and not saying they’re good, but they’ll slum along greatness).

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