
Welcome to The Hump! Podcast … In episode 34 of The Hump! Podcast: Pandemic Positives … After spending the last episode talking about the negatives, hosts Brent Bowen and Chad Beland chat the silver linings of the pandemic. This includes getting outside, vaccines, and what they are looking forward to.

The fellas continue season three, recording from home for now but are looking forward to being in person soon… chatting all things inane and profound (have you actually listened to the show).

And this episode’s Triple D: We’re calling out the crazy people who don’t show up for their vaccination appointments.

The Hump! Podcast Episode 34 Show Notes – Pandemic Positives

If You Missed The First Two Seasons

Miss the first season or so of The Hump! Show?

In Ep. 34 of The Hump! Podcast, Brent & Chad Chat Silver Linings of the Pandemic including Getting Outside, Vaccinations, & Looking Towards the Future.

Pandemic PositivesWhat Craft Beers Are The Fellas Drinking?

After the Last Episode Addressing some COVID fatigue the Fellas are looking at some COVID Silver Linings.

What silver lining’s have you experienced with the pandemic?

  • Chad says the pandemic has been like Avengers Endgame, suddenly the sky is blue in places it never is and the carbon footprint has gone down almost everywhere. Brent talks about an article from Spokesman that told of how the sky is blue in New Deli, India for the first time in years.
  • Another silver lining is that people have been getting outdoors more since the pandemic started. Chad and Brent got out to the lake a lot more this year. Kansas now even has an option to include a National Parks pass when registering your car.
Family Time
  • Chad has really enjoyed getting to spend more time with his daughters. Brent agrees, his son is a senior and in normal times he would have never seen him this year with how busy he would have been. Now, they have a family dinner together almost every night. The fellas discuss how the entire world is like teenagers who have been grounded but once they get their vaccines no one will stay home anymore. However, they agree people should start out slow and not go spring break wild right away.

Healthcare awareness
  • Brent says one of the things to come out of this is the Healthcare awareness. He even said that he thinks he will be the type of person to start wearing masks on planes and during the flu season. Flu numbers where down this year because of how many people were wearing masks.
  • Chad says yeah masks work, it should not be a controversial statement. Condoms work and so do masks but both only work if you wear them correctly! This led to Brent creating slogans for this new social campaign and saying the phrase, “Wear a condom for your face.”

How’s your COVID prick treating you?

  • Chad’s family got Pfizer all just felt really tired after getting their shots but were good after a day or two. Chad jokes that the shot has injected hope into his life.
  • Brent’s wife Becca, who had already had COVID, got the Moderna shot and felt like she had the flu after getting the shot but got over it in a few days.
  • Brent got the Pfizer and felt fine for the first few hours after getting it. Brent then goes to do some work later in the day and falls asleep in his chair. He was tired for those few days after but it went away quickly.
  • Chad tells everyone that they need to go get their shot. He also talks about how 100 million people in the U.S. got vaccinated in just the first 58 days of President Biden being in office. This way surpassed his goal of doing it in the first 100 days. Also, 22 states (as of this episode) had announced a date that they were opening the vaccinations up to everyone.

What Are You Looking Forward to Once The Pandemic Is Past Us?

Brent is already making reservations for the day that is two weeks after he gets his last shot.

  • Chad discusses taking it slow but that he is enjoying the little things like being able to do the show again. He does think that later this year his family is going to head west somewhere. Brent discusses plans for a family trip to Colorado.
  • Both agree they are just ready to get out, go to restaurants, breweries, and the movies. Brent says one of the things he misses most is going to see big blockbuster movies. The fellas talk about the new Marvel movies coming out this year and re-watching some D.C. movies.
  • Chad talks about the timing being right with everyone getting vaccinated and it getting nicer outside.

And This Episode’s Game of “Triple D” …

To close out The Hump! Podcast … Brent and Chad play a quick round of Triple D.

What’s Triple D?

They throw out a scenario … and discuss whether it’s a DICK, DOUCHE or DUMBASS move …

This week’s Triple D move — What do you call someone who makes their vaccination appointment and doesn’t show?”

This is actually how Brent ended up getting his vaccine. Someone was a no show and they fit him into their time slot. Chad said it does need to have some context because, obviously, if they had something bad happen (where in a car accident, the is a tornado, etc.) then it is excusable. However, if they just forgot or couldn’t come and didn’t at least call to cancel… anyway … listen for their final rulings.

In general, don’t miss your appointment, Chad wants to be able to go to Applebee’s!

Chad and Brent plan out when they will be back live, but don’t worry it will only be just a few weeks till their officially vaccinated!

You Can Catch The Hump! Live

You can watch Brent and Chad LIVE 6 p.m. CST most Thursdays on Facebook.

They’ll publish the replays on Facebook and places where good audio can be found (see below platforms — and not saying they’re good, but they’ll slum along greatness).

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